Need Prayer

Need Prayer?

At New Beginnings Christian Church we understand the power and importance of praying with and for one another through tough times as well as times of gratitude and praise. We pray with each other when we gather for service, and there are many other opportunities for intentional and specific prayer at New Beginnings.

What is Prayer?

Prayer is making our requests known to a living God who loves us more than we can even comprehend.

Prayer Requests

Is there something going on in your life you’d like God’s help with? Do you have a need that only God can meet? Our church is a loving and life-giving church. We want to help you through the Lord.

God changes everything. Take a step today and ask God to step in. Join our prayer call or submit a prayer request and we’ll pray for you.

Weekly Prayer Calls

In addition to prayer at our services, we also have our weekly prayer calls that we invite everyone to join who needs prayer, or knows someone that needs prayer.

  • Wednesday’s at 7:00 AM (Arizona Time)

  • Saturday’s at 10:00 AM (Arizona Time)

Phone# (267) 807-9601
Access Code: 637-508-849

If you hear music, don’t hang up just enjoy until we join you and ask you to announce yourself!

Everyone is welcomed to call in and make your prayer request.

Online Prayer Request